I did contact Fie Poulsen (Nordicon) in Denmark, but the tractor owner in Denmark is just too difficult to work with. He wants me to take ownership in Denmark (pay VAT) and export it myself (try to reclaim the VAT). No Way !
I am now talking to another tractor dealer in the Netherlands that has a similar model and he has offered me a CnF price packed in a 40' high cube container shipped to Bangkok.
The tractor will have its wheels removed and lifted into the container by fork lift in the Netherlands and after it arrives here it will need to be lifted out of the container by fork lift, have the wheels put back on and then transported to my farm near Chok Chai (Nakon Ratchasima province).
1. Can you unload the tractor from the container in Bangkok, reattach the wheels and ship it to my farm.
2. What is the estimated cost for this work, include transportation to Chok Chai by flat bed truck.
3. If you are not able to unload the container, what is the price of transporting the container to Chok Chai and returning it.
I will try to find out who the seller/exporter in the Netherlands uses for his Asian shipments, hopefully it is Nordicon, but he is a big exporter and gets a special discounted rate.
He also mentioned shipping to Bangkok in his email and I will tell him to use Laem Chabang or BKK (PAT port only).
If possible can you please try to respond to this by 3:00pm today, since I would like to call him and try finalize the purchase.