Materials and Methods
Total 10 pig hearts were collected from the
slaughter house and divided into 2 groups which
were Group 1) dehydrated with acetone and Group 2)
dehydrated with absolute alcohol. The plastination
procedure was done accordingly to von Hagens
(1987). In brief, the heart specimens were fixed in 10%
formalin after washing in order to prevent
decomposition. Then, they were placed in a bath of
acetone (Group 1) or absolute alcohol (Group 2) under
freezing condition to draw out all the water and
replaces dehydration agent inside the cells. After that,
the specimens were forced impregnation by placing in
a bath of liquid polymer, (Biodur® S10) mixed with
curing agent (Biodur® S3) in a vacuum at -25°C. In
the final step, all specimens were cured with Biodur®
S6 which was used as a hardener. After plastination
procedure, all specimens were evaluated qualitatively
by comparing color, and elasticity of the specimens
between two groups with blind evaluation by two
observers. Moreover, the weight of the specimens
before and after the plastination procedure were also
recorded and compared.