Zeeva Natasha Zazhinne
wow--this was so quiet--I have to double check all my volumes were up just to 'hear' if playing. But after just 10 minutes--I felt a lot of my systems powerfully affected! Pretty great! THANKS!
2 weeks ago•
+Zeeva Natasha Zazhinne Thanks for listening
1 week ago•1
Tamborah Ramsey
Does this work without headphones?
2 days ago•
deon de wit
120 hz. Think this is way above gamma and beta and into the realms of lambda. Cleared my fever and sinus overnight, woke up refreshed and full of energy. Amazing frequency.
3 months ago•
Marva Monfort
Hello: ... Is this gamma, isochronic, beta...? Plz. Advise. Enjoying the energy lift by the way!