2. Design conditions
2.1 Dimensions and design conditions
The bridge length is between 4000mm and 4400mm, and its span is 4000mm
The bridge is settled on the four abutments (Fig.2.5). The clearance must be over 100mm.
When load tests, two loading plates is placed at the center of the span and a quarter of the span. Bridges must have the space for the loading plate of 600mm x 600mm.(Fig.2.1,2.2) See also 2.3
Loading weight of 150kgf is given to the span center and another 150kgf to the quarter point of the span on the loading plates. The bridge must be able to safely carry the loadings that are in total 300kg.
The span center deflection in the full loading condition is targeted at 6mm (±1mm). If the average deflection value reaches 15mm, the bridge is regarded as collapse.