Attaching an Expert to a Chart
After you have created an expert, you must attach the expert to a chart in order for it to function. As mentioned earlier, an expert can contain just one or all five of the components. Most of your experts will probably contain just one or two components.
MetaStock's Smart Chart feature automatically saves the expert that is attached to a chart. So the next time you open the chart, the expert will automatically reevaluate your chart and display the updated results.
The Attach button in the Expert Advisor dialog is a toggle button. If an expert that is not already attached is selected, the button toggles to Attach. If the selected expert is already attached (i.e., a small triangle appears next to it), the button toggles to Detach. If no chart is open, the button is disabled.
A chart can only have one expert attached to it at a time. However, you can create multiple charts of the same security using the New Window command in the Window menu (see Cloning Charts). After creating a "clone" of the selected chart, you could then attach another expert to it.
Attaching an Expert to a Chart--------------------------------------------------------------------------------After you have created an expert, you must attach the expert to a chart in order for it to function. As mentioned earlier, an expert can contain just one or all five of the components. Most of your experts will probably contain just one or two components.MetaStock's Smart Chart feature automatically saves the expert that is attached to a chart. So the next time you open the chart, the expert will automatically reevaluate your chart and display the updated results.The Attach button in the Expert Advisor dialog is a toggle button. If an expert that is not already attached is selected, the button toggles to Attach. If the selected expert is already attached (i.e., a small triangle appears next to it), the button toggles to Detach. If no chart is open, the button is disabled.A chart can only have one expert attached to it at a time. However, you can create multiple charts of the same security using the New Window command in the Window menu (see Cloning Charts). After creating a "clone" of the selected chart, you could then attach another expert to it.
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