OG Loc wants you to steal a sound system for a show he wants to do, and he says he saw one heading to the beach for a beach party. When the mission starts grab a car and head down to the beach party area. When you get there you'll be told to speak to the DJ, so go up to her and you'll be presented with a dialog box. You can choose to push left for a negative response, or right for a positive response. To be on the safe side I'd suggest being nice. Eventually she'll invite you to dance, and if you score over 4,000 points you'll get access to the sound van. Dancing is very similar to the lowrider contest, you need to push the right buttons as they scroll through the circle. The closer to perfect you get them, the more score you'll get. Keep dancing through the song and if you don't make too many mistakes you should come out with over 4,000 points so you will now be able to enter the van. Get in the drivers seat and steal the van by driving away. The chick will be thrown out and you will be chased by some crazy fools, however you can easily make it back to the garage and deliver the van for OG Loc.