Currently, mangrove restoration is getting considerable attention, but the implementation in the field seems to be
still far from expectation [8]. In addition the lack of knowledge on how to plant mangrove in appropriate way and
proper site selection, resulting failures of some restoration activities which is suspected as a "project" which led to
poor management of implementation and no sustainability beyond project period. Restoration approach is still based
on the concept of once grown without an integrated management system involving elements of empowerment and
community participation. The function of marine and coastal ecosystem management is not only to preserve the
physical dimension and the sustainability of the system, but also has a social dimension because the existing social
system that coastal communities have interacted dynamically with coastal and marine resources - is one of the
elements that need to be considered in the management of ecosystems of coastal and marine resources [9]. Mangrove
forest management based on the principle of sustainability is expected to restore the mangrove forest habitats in the
village Sedari.