5. Conclusions
In industrial ethanol production, it is important to accomplish fermentations at wide temperature range and to achieve high pro- ductivity levels, especially in countries with hot climates and high temperature seasonal deviations. Likewise, it is essential that both yeast growth and product production are carried out at the same conditions and bioreactor, avoiding multiple fermentation systems and consequently decreasing drastically investment and operation costs. AXAZ-1 immobilized on BSG was able to grow and perform alcoholic fermentation at 3–40C, showinghigh operational stabil- ity, even in abrupt temperature changes. Thus, industrialization of immobilizedS. cerevisiae AXAZ-1 on BSG has a great potential,con- sidering the high fermentation efficiency and high quality of the fermentation product, ought to the low concentrations of higher and amylalcoholsat bothhigh andlow fermentation temperatures.