Handshakes are the most common greeting.
Wait for a woman to extend her hand first.
Shake hands at the beginning and end of meetings.
To rush a greeting is extremely rude; spend time inquiring about the other person’s general well-being.
It is a good idea to lower your eyes when meeting someone who is older or more senior.
Titles are important. Use the honorific title plus any academic or professional title and the surname.
Wait until invited before moving to a first-name basis. This is not a first name culture, although that may be changing with people under the age of 35.
Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual.
Present and receive business cards with two hands or the right hand, never with the left.
It is a good idea to include any advanced university degree on your business card.
Make certain that your title is prominently displayed.
Never write on your business card. If the information has changed, have new cards printed.
Make a point of studying any business card you receive before putting it into a business card holder.