Table 2.4. Macro and Micro Policy Reforms in Agriculture Development in Myanmar
Participation of private and cooperative sector in foreign trade Relaxation of the government’s monopoly of the domestic marketing of rice and some important crops
Removal of restrictions on private-sector participation in domestic and foreign trade Introduction of liberal Foreign Investment Law Restitution of small- and medium-size establishments
Deregulation of prices Official revocation of the 1965 law establishing the Socialist Economic System Regularization of border trade Introduction of the State Economic Enterprise (SEE) Law allowing private-sector participation in economic activities Relaxation of restrictions on private investment
Introduction of the law on 100 percent retention of export earnings Introduction of the Myanmar Agricultural and Rural Development Law
Reestablishment of Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Announcement of lease-inefficient state-owned factories Announcement of government-owned palm-oil firms for sale Introduction of summer paddy rice cultivation in Ayeyarwady Delta
Introduction of foreign exchange certificates (FECs)
Introduction of Myanmar Citizens Investment Law
Formation of Privatization Committee to facilitate the shift to a market-oriented economy and the smooth running of enterprises
Introduction of new paddy-rice procurement systems—tender system, procurement by representative, preference sale and procurement system Procurement of paddy rice through the tender bid system in November 1997; however, the plan did not materialize and the requirement to sell paddy rice to the state remains as usual
Leasing of fallow and virgin lands for cultivation or livestock breeding by private farmers, including foreign investors