of england we must sign all the papers to make him the prince of wales.
Sir said one of the lords. only the duke of norfolk can sign these papers. and he is in tower of london. be silent the king cried. my son will not wait not wait for that man we will sign the papers ourselves and you will execute the duke of norfolk
little tom face went white hearing this.
you are very good to me sir he said. but-but-i don't want any one to die don't worry about these things my prince said the king now go to your room and come back when you are better.
when the servants tool tom back to his room he walked slowly. this was not the palace of his dreams he thought sadly this was a prison made of gold.
just after one o'clock servants dressed tom and took him to a beautiful room. there was very large table in the room and one chair the plates and all the things on the table were wold-and there were servants all around the room. all the servants knew that the prince was not feeling well that day. so they did noy look surprised when he ate with his fingers. and no one smiled when he looked at the vegetables on the table and asked what are these can i eat them
our poor prince they said after the meal.