If there are problems, then they occur time and again on the interpersonal level. These are the tiresome power topics that you must confront. Hierarchies create an artificial imbalance in power that has little to do with natural authority. If you face someone who is “more powerful" than you just on the basis of a title or an office, it is difficult for you to follow his or her instructions. You simply know better about some things… Frustration accumulates when such events are repeated. What conclusions can you draw from this? What are your options? During this week, you will see no or few options. You are stuck in your thoughts or circling around them. Allow the Sagittarius New Moon on Sunday to have its effect and wait for Mercury to also reach the sign of Sagittarius (11/28). Mercury promises new horizons!
Partnership / Love:
Are you dreaming of freedom and ease? Then you can keep on dreaming. The reality is different. You cannot get away from each other and cling to your mutual past, but absolutely do not want to give up hope. You are even right about the last statement! Venus in Sagittarius already knows this, but some of the planets still have to "work through" the Scorpio topics. One after the other…