Before cancelling an employment contract, the employer shall provide the employee with an opportunity to be heard regarding the grounds of the cancellation. Correspondingly, before an employee cancels an employment agreement he or she shall provide the employer with an opportunity to be heard.
It is also worth noting that in situations where the employee has been absent from work for a minimum of seven days without notifying the employer of a valid reason for the absence for this period, the employer may be entitled to consider the employment contract cancelled from the date on which the absence began. The same principle also applies to the employee, in the event that the employer is absent for a minimum of seven days without notifying the employee of a valid reason for this absence.
It is always strongly recommendable to exercise due caution when terminating an employment relationship – groundless termination or cancellation leads to a liability for damages. We at MK-Law are happy to advise you in all matters related to Finnish employment legislation. Please do not hesitate to contact us!