Hello Beautiful,
Glad to hear from you again, i have checked my email to see if i
didn't scare you off. What are you doing today? For me nothing than
taking care of works... I'm not a lazy man so i like working. I'm
proud of my work,Being a Procurement Contractor.
I have a lots of contracts documents to sign, have a job coming up
soon and its gonna be a great pay hehehe.. I was just thinking about
you, and i decided to check my message, and guess what? you're right
here, I'm going to give this friendship of ours prayer, and i hope and
pray it result to something serious in the nearest future. At this
stage of my life, I'm living very comfortable but without a woman its
not complete. I'm financially secure, I live within my budget, and
save for those things i want or need but still yet i need someone to
hold hands, talk to, to love till eternity.
I don't spend lavishly, I'm a giver. I so much believing in giving
people that in need. If I won the $200 million lottery?, I would start
a great Company not because of the money i want to earn but to help
people. Then I would hire some people I have worked with in the past
because they are great people. I would pay them more than any other
shop ever could. Our contract would be $5 million for 3 years with 4
weeks of vacation per year. Then, when the contract is up, if they
want to retire they can. Or if they want to keep working for me, it
would be $1 million per year.Lastly i will donate to the Less
If only I could have come up with the right words to describe the
depth of this beautiful feeling that I have for you, I would have
uttered them to you the first time I laid my eyes on you on
THAICUPID.COM before i finally told you that i am interested in you
But, I lacked that knowledge, so the best thing that I can do is to
show you how I really mean it now. I have been think about you since i
met you my angel.Promise you will never hurt me and Kim my daughter.
I want to leave and delete your profile from Thaicupid.com because I
want us to be faithful to each other.Love is about trust and
Ever since we started sending the recent messages we've sent to each
other. I've been so much thinking about you and to be sincere i am
thinking about you. Wow! So here I stand, among the digital masses.
We're not so different after all. Here I stand, surrounded by people
who've met on-line, People who've loved and lost, and people who are
found, and somehow, in a desperate world, found each other. So what do
I say that hasn't already been written, or been already said?. I'm
thanking God for bringing you into my life.
Few questions for you this time:If you were granted three wishes, what
would you wish for? Are you financially secured? If you won the
lottery, how would you spend the money?The only questions left out for
me would be if i was granted 3 wishes, what would you wish for?- To
have that special woman..It might be you:) - Just to live a peaceful
- Wish for War to stop, and also wish there could be cure for all the sickness.
Waiting to hear from you again!
Your sweet friend