Malta age structure
As of the beginning of 2015 according to our estimations Malta had the following population age distribution:
15.7 68.5 15.8
- percentage of population under 15
- percentage of population between 15 and 64 years old
- percentage of population 65+
In absolute figures (estimation):
66 515 young people under 15 years old ( 34 106 males / 32 409 females)
290 686 persons between 15 and 64 years old ( 147 525 males / 143 160 females)
67 003 persons above 64 years old ( 29 406 males / 37 597 females)
We prepared a simplified model of the population distribution pyramid which is broken down into 3 main age groups. The groups are the same as we used above: population under 15, between 15 and 64 and population which is over 65 year old.