Simon Cowell told him, "Never ever in all the years I have done this show have I heard a guy with the talent you've got," as a 26-year-old singer from Hull became the first golden buzzer recipient of the series.
We caught up with a flabbergasted Calum Scott to find out just how it feels to be Simon's pick for the live shows.
"I'd have been happy with advice," said Calum whose version of Robyn's Dancing On My Own had all four Judges and the entire auditorium on their feet during Saturday's show. "I couldn't believe it when Simon stood up - it was surreal. I'm still shaking. "
Calum's success was bittersweet as his sister Jade who performed before him and who persuaded him to enter Britain's Got Talent, didn't make it through.
"It was the best day of my life under the worst circumstances," he explained. "But I think it was why my performance was so powerful. The first thing I said to Jade was, 'I'm sorry' and she told me not to be stupid."