These individual layers were integrated in to three
categories (Figure 9. (91-9.3)) as per Table 2, using
standard weights and mathematical equation:
MHS ¼ HSse HSe HSgf
n ¼ ðfactor1Þðfactor2Þ…::ðfactor nÞ
where, MHS = Malaria Hotspot, HSse = Hotspot for
socio-economic, HSe = Hotspot for epidemiology, HSgf =
Hotspot for geographical features.
3. To obtain integrated malarial hotspot (Figure 9
(9.4)), all 12 individual layers are combined using
multiplicative function (above equation) and weights
and output was categorized using natural breaks.
Multiplicative function is used to optimize the
respective ranks (Table 2) of each malaria factor or
GIS layers.