These people, however, make up the strong minority in the capital though. After looking at the overall situation, it seems that there aren’t a whole lot of nobles that actually support the King or the Royal Family.
One of the causes for this might just very well be the Tomboy Princess being a possible throwback, but I’ll be setting that aside for now.
Finally, some of the Minister’s assets have disappeared. That’s it.
Since the opportunity has presented itself, I suppose this is the perfect time to sum up the Minister’s history.
Several decades ago while the Minister was still young, he had been known as a brave general, the [Silent Destroyer General] by the neighboring countries. He seemed to have been a part of many battlefields.
His first campaign took place in the May of his fourteenth year where his strength was realized during a battle with a neighboring country. After he had defeated the enemy commander in a duel, the enemy nation became a vassal state of the Sternbild Kingdom.
Since then, he continued to expand the Kingdom’s territory with his sheer resourcefulness and military prowess. Even though he had his share of both victories and defeats, on every battlefield he only left the best possible results with great displays of bravery and valor.
Decades after his first campaign, he had expanded the Kingdom’s lands, saved countless lives of fellow soldiers and brought blessings to the people.
However, it seems that sometime during his forties during a skirmish with the Republic of Druvan, he received critical injuries in a battle in a swamp surrounding a deposit of the rare Mark ore mineral along with other desirable resources. These injuries forced the once great warrior and general to resign from his position as a General.
The Republic of Druvan has since then ceased to exist after being divided up and absorbed by the Sternbild Kingdom and Kirika Empire.
The battle had cost him his left leg below the knee, his right thumb, right ring finger, right pinky, among other various deformities.
Afterwards, he became a tactician, making it partially believed that he would not leave the battlefield during the remainder of his lifetime. Though, as many had expected he moved into politics.
Sometimes he would put together important bills that would greatly influence the future of the Kingdom. Other times, he forged treaties with other countries that were highly advantageous to the Kingdom.
It was like this that he outlined his political career. He laid the groundwork, got his activities and achievements acknowledged, and obtained his current position in a very short amount of time. After that, his very position was unshakeable for a long time.
In short, his influence was in no way inferior to even that of the King’s. Like that, the Minister left behind many great achievements. He’s even the one responsible for getting the Kirika Empire to form an alliance with the Kingdom on equal terms, despite the Kingdom even being slightly inferior in terms of economical and militarily strength. Well, doesn’t really matter anymore, since he’s dead.
Telling the whole story of how such a capable Minister became the Tomboy Princess’ opposition would be a serious pain, so I’ll just skip over that for now. Basically, he had a major change of heart for various reasons that are too complicated for me to really care about.
All that really matters is that with the Princess’ strongest political rival, the Minister, out of the way, the Kingdom has reached a critical juncture. Though, one might say that it’s a good thing.
You could say… that the time for us to get some good money has finally come.