To build the egg incubator system involves lots of concern in terms of the
temperature, humidity and movement in order to care the health of the egg. The
important thing that should know is how to change the position of the egg during the
period of incubation. It is should get along with a mechanical egg-shifting system. The
eggs in the incubator need to be shifted slowly and smoothly, since jostling would
disturb the development of the chicks. By using the DC motor, the PIC should be
programmed as long as stepper motor running in shifted slowly.
The construction of the incubator will begin with the built the casing of the
incubator. A good quality material was used such as hardwood. The hardwood was
choose because is preferable rather than softer wood. The softer wood will warp during
the incubation process. That will affect the humidity of egg. This incubator can fill up to
20-25 eggs. Dimensional measuring of the incubator is 39cm long x 48.4cm wide x
48.4cm tall. 4 bulbs were placed around the wall inside of the incubator. The bulb usage
is 5 Watt’s that supply heat to the egg.