To really understand what's so special about the climate over the last century, we need to see it in the context of what's been happening over the history of the Earth.The Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago, and its climate has been in a constant state of flux ever since.So what has made the climate change in the past? Well, from time to time the Earth does a bit of a wobble in relation to its position in its orbit around the Sun.And as it wobbles, the amount of solar radiation heating the Earth's surface changes.These changes are known as Milankovic cycles, named after the brilliant Serbian engineer, mathematician, and physicist Milutin Milankovic.he figured most of this out in prison during World War I,where he was put in gaol just for being a Serbian.Other influences on climate change in the Earth's history have included changes in the intensity of solar radiation from the Sun and the movement of the continents across the Earth's surface.