As shown in the above figure, the horizontal force F is the friction force acting on the ball due to contact with the surface, during impact. This force F is the cause of the velocity and spin (rotation) reversal. This friction force is generated by the gripping action of the ball with the surface. The direction of this friction force is opposite the direction of slip velocity between ball and surface, during impact. Slip velocity is the relative horizontal speed between the ball’s point of impact and the surface it is impacting.
Since this force F is acting to the right, it torques the ball counterclockwise. This causes the ball to change its original spin direction from clockwise wi to counterclockwise wF, after impact. This force also causes the ball to accelerate to the right during impact. This results in the horizontal velocity component of the ball (parallel to the surface) to change direction and point towards the right, after impact.
In order for the ball velocity and spin to reverse direction it is necessary to have a high coefficient of friction between ball and surface. This creates sufficient friction force F to be generated, which causes the spin and horizontal velocity component of the ball to reverse direction after impact with the surface.
In classical mechanics books, bouncing ball physics problems are often modeled as being elastic. In other words, it is assumed that the kinetic energy of the ball is conserved before and after the bounce. In reality, this is not the case. At best, a ball can only be nearly elastic, such as a SuperBall.