OK NEVER MIND! I've always been a skeptic with these, but this works like FREAKING MAGIC! it's amazing. Thanks for this and your other videos.
2 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
Happy for you, thanks for the feedback :)
2 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
dandy zicky
Can you make sub for acne removal?
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
Bikky Maharjan
she has already one
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
rania persona
PLEASE MATRIX REPLY. which is more effective for chubby cheeks and round face the subliminal with selena gomez picture or the one with fuller cheeks?? please i need ur answer i jope u read this
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
Diana Tah
+rania persona fuller cheeks make your face look rounder ... what is your face shape?
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
rania persona
+Diana Tah can it give me round face ?
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
Mat Materoni
Hi Matrix, thank you for your videos. Can you make one for birthmark on the face (port wine stain) removal pls ? There is no such video on the youtube and many people have it. Thanks.
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา (แก้ไขแล้ว)•
Nicholas Cage
Is if unhealthy for having a playlist of 17 of your videos to listen to before bed? Like is that too much or would I be fine?
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
Widad Fellah
is it ok if i listen to 3 subs at the same time mixed ???
2 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
hey, is it ok if you forget to listen to one of these subliminals a day? i tend to sleep right before i listen to one.
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
rania persona
+MatrixPlay99 PLEASE MATRIX REPLY. which is more effective for chubby cheeks and round face the subliminal with selena gomez picture or the one with fuller cheeks?? please i need ur answer i jope u read this
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•
+Nightingale sure that's ok.
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา•1
Oh this is going to help me when I turn older! Thank you! :)
3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา