I was really, really horny one day and I decided to go in my room and start masturbating. Unfortunately, my mom and two siblings were both home, so I wasn't able to get any privacy in there. I was almost walked in on twice. So, after about thirty minutes of being annoyed, I decided to find somewhere else to do it. I couldn't do it in the bathroom, it was too small and cramped. So, I decided to do it outside in the shed.
I didn't want to lay on the dirty wood floor, so I decided to just lean up by the door and do it. I was jerking away, and had been for twenty minutes. I was near climax, until the support behind me opened. My dad had come home early from work.
I turned around to see who it was, stupidly, and my dad (and a passing car) saw me with my pants at my ankles, with my boner in my hand. He looked upset and confused, saying "What are you doing?" I replied with "What does it look like?" I pulled up my pants and ran to my friend's house. I couldn't go back home for two hours, I was so embarassed!