Age at Photostimulation
The rates of delay in mean age at first egg, reduction
in egg numbers, and increase in mean egg weight follow-
ing the 3 transfer times were similar to those reported
by Lewis et al. (1997) for a different white-egg hybrid
transferred from 8 to 13 h. The thinner shells (as indicated
by the larger deformation; Table 3) of the eggs laid by
pullets photostimulated at 15 wk may be a consequence
of this group’s lower mean egg weight. A regression of
shell deformation (?m/500 × g of force) on mean egg
tion = 64.0 − 0.682EW, P < 0.001, r2= 0.956, slope SE =
0.007, where EW is egg weight) that was not significantly
different from the one reported by Lewis et al. (2007)
for the same white-egg hybrid when it was exposed to
the use of green light during rearing provided no benefit
to the immature pullet, its maturation, or its subsequent
productivity in the laying house
Age at Photostimulation
The rates of delay in mean age at first egg, reduction
in egg numbers, and increase in mean egg weight follow-
ing the 3 transfer times were similar to those reported
by Lewis et al. (1997) for a different white-egg hybrid
transferred from 8 to 13 h. The thinner shells (as indicated
by the larger deformation; Table 3) of the eggs laid by
pullets photostimulated at 15 wk may be a consequence
of this group’s lower mean egg weight. A regression of
shell deformation (?m/500 × g of force) on mean egg
tion = 64.0 − 0.682EW, P < 0.001, r2= 0.956, slope SE =
0.007, where EW is egg weight) that was not significantly
different from the one reported by Lewis et al. (2007)
for the same white-egg hybrid when it was exposed to
the use of green light during rearing provided no benefit
to the immature pullet, its maturation, or its subsequent
productivity in the laying house
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