Collaborative Partners in Innovation with Thailand's Siam Commercial Bank
Siam Commercial Bank, one of the top five financial institutions in Thailand and our customer for more than 15 years, partnered with us to meet the specific needs of its consumers with a customized Diebold 5500 that includes an ActivEdge secure card reader, biometrics and near field communication technology.
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Choosing to Give Rather than Receive, Employees Make a Difference
Generosity. Mindfulness. Compassion. These are the reasons our employees volunteer in the community. From supporting local youth and donating to those in need, to rescuing stray animals and planting trees, our employees worldwide make real, tangible differences in the communities where Diebold operates and serves. To honor those who give their time and talents, we're featuring some employees dedicated to volunteerism. Read their interviews to learn more about their stories and experiences.
Key and Lock Kit Enables Techs to Respond to Emergency Rekeying Situations
We installed almost 100 new locks and a master key system to increase security at KeyBank's five story branch in Tacoma, Wash. Since then, we've been the bank's one-stop shop for rekeying branches in the area - thanks to the emergency key, lock kit and key records data management developed by our physical security technicians.
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Three Things You Need to Know About EMV
The EMV migration has been slow to make its way to America, but it's finally arrived. Last month, the shift in liability took place for merchants. Now, financial institutions have less than a year to bring their ATM networks into compliance. In a Diebold Blog post, Marcelo Castro, principal product manager, ATM security, discusses three crucial things financial institutions need to know about how EMV technology might affect their ATM networks.