The six colors can be divided into the primary colors (red/yellow/blue) and the secondary colors (orange/green/purple). As each ball is the same except for color, the child will begin to differentiate the balls by their unique quality - color. This is a wonderful way to introduce the colors of the rainbow to a young child. Froebel taught that red was often the color that most often attracted infants. You may select another color, but begin with just one ball. As each color ball is introduced, continue with the same games and songs. The name of the color is associated with the ball as the repeats the word during play.
Later, two balls may be used together. Froebel suggested that balls of complimentary color be used (red/green or orange/purple). If using three balls, start with the three primary colors (red/yellow/blue) and interchange them with the secondary colors. In this way, the child begins to associate the three colors as a group.