Is that the first time she's had a fall?
Yes, it is.
I'm doing an assessment of her, so I've got some question. Can you help me with them?
Of course,go ahead.
Right, Number one. How's your mother's hearing? Does she wear a hearing aid?
Yes, she is very deaf. Without her hearing aids, she hears nothing at all.
OK. Can she see OK?
With glasses. Yes-very well for her age.
Right. Mobility? Are her movements very restricted?
Well, she needs help getting dressed and getting in and out of the bath. She has a walking stick and she's very independent. But some days she gets dizzy and can be unsteady on her feet. She uses a scooter for shopping.
Can your mother feed herself?
OK. any problems eating? Can your mother feed herself?
she's fine at the table.
Right. Continance is next. Does she ever wet herself?
Well, that happens quite often. Probably because she doesn't like using a bedpan and she can't get to the bathroom. We have to make sure she has an incontinence pad.