5.3. Searching module
After the initial collection of documents and the creation
of an index, users need to retrieve documents from the
remote file system, seeking them using a search interface.
The user interface is also a web-based interface, so that user
works as if the interface were a common web search engine,
typing keywords, title, project name and so on. The system
searches in the indexed documents and retrieves the relevant
documents. For this purpose a matching mechanism is used,
evaluating the degree to which the document representation
satisfies the requirements expressed in the query; Lucene
calculates this degree using a set of different factors such
as term frequency (number of times a given term appears in
the document) and inverse document frequency (obtained
dividing the number of all documents by the number of
documents containing the term) and retrieves those documents
that it believes are relevant, as figure 10 shows. The
result is a list of documents, each linked to the related file;
when opened, the system displays a reading interface in a
What You See Is What You Get view, so that the document