Repeat victimization hot spots
Repeat victimization refers to the multiple
attacks on the same individual, regardless
of location. It often is confused with
repeat crime places. A repeat place might
have a number of different victims.
Clearly one can have both repeat victimization
and repeat crime places (Eck,
2000). For example, a person could frequent
a bar where he is assaulted on a
number of different occasions. But if
repeat victimization is distributed over
many locations (as would occur if repeat
victims are assaulted at different bars,
but never the same bar twice), it will not
show up on a map as a hot spot place
(zero dimension). Repeat victimization
could show up as lines (one dimension) if
the victims are repeatedly attacked along
the same thoroughfares, or as a polygon
(two dimensions) if victims are repeatedly
attacked in the same neighborhoods.