I bought my ticket and confirmed my flight to Scotland late so I was busy running around to make my journey and also send the parcel that I promised , I called your line several times to get any account details to give you a token but couldn't connect. I was worried.
I have sent the parcel containing a new brand HP laptop computer,a gold nickles, a gold wristwatch,gold ear ring and the cash money sealed in the same computer pack to enable you settle some of your daily needs and to take good care of yourself, I can imagine how hard you could be working just alone to make a better life. Just accept this token from me.
Since there was no time to contact you any longer for your bank account details to do a bank transaction I had no option than to sealed the money in the same pack with a rose flower right in the same laptop pack and the gold nickles as promised.
I sent it to your NAME ( Suchunya phomkhan) ADDRESS phuhan school moo 2. tamboon phuhan. district sichomphu.khonkaen thailand.42000
(PHONE NO +66934157546) From my inquiry the pack will arrive to its destination 3 to 4 days time.
Please let me know when you receive the pack.
Dear you know my heart is open for you .This short moment we have met and chatted together has been an elevation in my life so i willingly decide to share with you .
I will always cherish and adore you forever. I have to go in a hurry now . Just few minutes away to departure.
With love from,