2003). Research also shows that this is an effective strategy,
as individuals will be more successful when their personal-
ity traits match the demands of their chosen line of work
(Carliss 2005). When there is fit, or congruence, individuals
are more likely to perform at a higher level, meet their
supervisors’ expectations, and remain longer in their jobs
and fields (Carliss 2005; Vogel and Feldman 2009). One
form of environmental fit is the degree to which individu-
als’ traits enable them to meet the demands of their jobs. If
individuals can use their traits to perform well in their job,
they are much more likely to progress in the selection pro-
cess, be successful in their jobs, and remain in their chosen
line of work (Cable and DeRue 2002; Carliss 2005).
Emotional Intelligence
One type of personality trait that is likely central to individu-
als’ success in a service-based business is their emotional
intelligence. Emotional intelligence refers to “an individu-
al’s ability to perceive and understand information, and to
generate and regulate emotions that promote emotional and
Exhibit 1:
The Theoretical Model.