The concept total quality is based on respect of the individual and social responsibility.
Quality is culture. Quality is a process which has the ability to shape the future.
Quality has to be rewarded. The highest award for quality is the Malcolm Baldridge
National Quality Award established in 1988 following a bill introduced in 1986, named
after the USA Secretary of Commerce, Malcolm Baldridge (1981-1987) who constantly
improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the American Government. The award is
designated to foster and continually improve quality of product and of service. It is
awarded every year for three categories of enterprises: marketing companies, service
organizations and small firms, and aided by the American Society for Quality Control.
Based on the American experience Europe established its own European Foundation for
Quality Management and European Organization for Quality (EFQM), which consists
of national foundations for quality from individual European countries.
The aim of this paper is to emphasize ethics as a dimension of the overall quality of a
community and of the quality of life and work of people. Specifically, the aim is to
establish ethics as one of the dimensions of quality and of total quality management
systems in tourism.