Contact information
- Mr. Thanapat Kanthasut
- 98/14 M.7 Srishunthorn sub-district Talang district Phuket province. 83000
- Mobile number : 0915241713
- E-mail:
Personal information
- Birth : 21 October 1994. I was born at Bangkok
- Thai nationality Sex: male Religious: Buddha
- Mea Fah Luang university Major: Law
- High school M.1-6 : Dowroongwttaya school Phuket , 2013 graduated.
- Primary P.1-6 : Darasamuth school Phuket.
Employment History
- Part-time job : a waiter at fast food restaurant, Phuket Thailand in 2013.
- My work was serving the foods to the customer and washed the dishes.
Awards/ Certification
- Basketball competition
Special Skill
- English is in the middle.
- Cooking
- Microsoft work
Hobbies/ Interesting
- Take the exercise, fitness and listen to music.
- Interested in music, computer program and sport.
- Teacher. Pornthip Rattanamontree Tel: 0835919049