On a more serious note, I would like to bring to Your (เซ็นเซอร์) attention that I will be undergoing a major surgery in December of this year. Last year, during my clinical clerkship as a final year medical student, I often suffered from sudden weakness and tingling on the right side of my body. A routine MRI scan discovered that a tumor (meningioma) was growing on the lining of my brain. The pressure on my brain causes me to have episodes of simple partial seizures. Initially, I had hoped that I would undergo a minimally invasive treatment such as a Gamma Knife procedure that I have had previously. However, further tests and imaging studies made it evident that the meningioma was too large for the Gamma Knife procedure. Proceeding with the Gamma Knife would cause too much swelling, which would cause the brain to be pressed against the skull. Instead, I will undergo open tissue surgery to remove the tumor from my skull. Titanium mesh cranioplasty will replace the invading bone component. This procedure will be more invasive, and carries greater risk than my previous treatments. I will also require an extended recovery time from the procedure.