Today I found out crocodiles really do shed tears when they eat .It has been known for centuries that crocodiles weep while eating.Now research has shown that some reptiles really do shed tears during a meal, but most likely for biological rather than emotional reasons.
In 2007, Human observed and videotaped close relatives to crocodiles, caimans and alligators, while the reptiles were eating. What they saw was that these reptiles do in fact produce tears when they eat and that some even had their tears “froth and bubble” around their eyes. Vliets conclusion was that the production of so many tears is the result of the hisses and huffs the animals make while devouring their prey. This feeding behavior forces air through the sinuses and stimulates the lacrimal gland to produce excessive tears. Some of the air escaping also produces the frothing and bubbling they witnessed.
"Generally crocodile tears are pretty similar to human tears," said study co-author Kent Vliet of the University of Florida.
"You see moisture in their eyes or collecting in the corners of the eyes. At times it will drip out of the corner and run down their face just like you'd expect a tear to run down a child's face.