Mercury comes so close to the Sun that it damages thinking. On Tuesday, however, it could come to an important flash of inspiration that has rescuing qualities. After Wednesday it will be difficult to have a clear mind, and on Thursday/Friday we slide into a Pisces Lunar Eclipse, which indicates an injury (Mars in tension with the Moon, Chiron with the Moon). Most of the time words hurt us when they are inadequate and fail us. You have a major need to be seen in your peculiarity. At the same time you are trying not to attract attention or be unusual. Can it be that something does not fit well with you and that you firstly need to become clear about how you would like to be perceived and what you would like to show people about yourself?
Partnership / Love:
Venus in Libra is challenged and radicalized by Pluto in Capricorn. It would be good if you could just stay cool now. You do not need to please anyone, you do not need to prove to anyone that you are attractive. Flirts have a power factor now, above all if they take place at work. Let it be nothing more than an exciting game. The danger of being hurt is high, if you expect more.