This study evaluates the bottom-up and top-down controls on epiphyte loads under low nutrient additions. Nutrients and gastropod grazers were manipulated in a field experiment conducted within a Thalassia testudinum meadow in Florida Bay, FL, USA. The effect of seagrass leaf turnover rate on epiphyte loading was also evaluated using novel seagrass short-shoot mimics that “grow,” allowing for the manipulation of leaf turnover rates. During the summer growing season and over the course of one seagrass leaf turnover period, low-level water column nutrient additions increased total epiphyte load, epiphyte chlorophyll a, and epiphyte autotrophic index. T. testudinum leaf nutrients (N and P) and leaf productivity also increased. Epiphyte loading and T. testudinum shoot biomass and productivity did not respond to a 60% mean increase in gastropod abundance. Manipulations of seagrass leaf turnover rates at minimum wintertime and maximum summertime rates resulted in a 20% difference in epiphyte loading. Despite elevated grazer abundances and increased leaf turnover rates, epiphyte loads increased with nutrient addition. These results emphasize the sensitivity of T. testudinum and associated epiphytes to low-level nutrient addition in a nutrient-limited environment such as Florida Bay.