thought “my life is over because of my PD” and “I
am going to have to stop doing this sooner or later
so may as well get the pain over with now”. Bill also
reported isolating himself due to embarrassment
over his motor symptoms, for example worrying he
would spill food and drinks. He stopped attending
a music club with his friends and also reduced
his interest in buying music to share. Bill also
stated that since his wife had died five years ago
he had started to go out and meet with friends, but
since his diagnosis of PD had withdrawn from his
friends, felt more lonely and was missing her more.
He reported depressive rumination about his PD
and hopelessness about the future. Bill also worried
about being depressed, and that he was losing
his identity and was “weak”. He was worried he
would get to the “point of no return” with his PD
and as a result avoided doing many things where
his symptoms would be noticeable, and became
hypervigilant about his symptoms looking for the
start of the “end”. Bill also reported thinking “I am
incompetent and can do nothing at all” and “I am
completely not able to function, my life is over”.