The choice of the host strain seemed to impact final fermentation composition but not final plasmid quality.
A higher content of pDNA in clarified lysate was obtained withGALG20 cells (41%) as compared to MG1655endArecA (31%)
.Predominantly supercoiled pDNA preparations,
free of RNA impuri-ties, were obtained in all cases.
High cell density fed-batch culturesperformed in pre-industrial 14 L bioreactors using glycerol as thecarbon source demonstrated the ability of GALG20 to producepDNA amounts of the order of 2200 mg/L. Ultimately, GALG20 isthe first pgi mutant strain reported for the purpose of produc-ing plasmid biopharmaceuticals. Additional discoveries associatedwith pgi mutant strains can potentially emerge to contribute tofurther development of plasmids production.