4. Conclusions
At the saturation conditions of 100% RH normally found inside
normal package headspace, it was observed that mushrooms
produced 0.6 g of water d1. This water, if not controlled, leads to
accelerated deterioration in freshness quality. From the present
study it was found that the humidity-regulating trays was able to
maintain in-package RH of 93% and it absorbed 4.1 g of water
vapour within 6 d at 7 C and 85% RH storage condition. Mushrooms
quality was better in humidity-regulating trays compared to
control-PP trays. However, the water vapour absorption capacity of
the humidity-regulating tray was not sufficient to completely
absorb the amount of water vapour released by mushrooms
resulting in condensation. Nevertheless, this current humidityregulating
tray might be suitable for other low transpiring
products which should be experimentally tested.