A Legend of the Subanen "Buklog"
The term Subanen is given to a group of Philippine ethni tribes that inhabits areas in !amboanga "elSur an" !amboanga "el Norte penin#sula an" the mountain areas of $isamis Oi"ental on the islan"of$in"anao% Subanen means &river"'eller%(The tale of the origin of the bu)log ame from the Subanensinthe muniipalit* of +apu*an, loate" on the northern shore of -Uma N # .Uil As Ba *in ! with oanga "theSur% The name +apu*an is "erive" from the Subanen 'or" gepu*an, 'hih means (a plae for oo)ing%(+ong ago,'hen the Subanen 'ere still in their hunting an" /shing stage, the* 'oul" ome to the ban) of the river tooo) their foo" after a long an" tiring hunt for 'il" pigs in the area% The* alle" the plaegepu*an, 'hih inturn beame the name tubig gepu*an 'hih 'as later Hispani0e" to Rio "e +apu*an or +apu*an river