The four risk managent strategies identified in the risk evaluation matrix by Wilks and Davis(2000;Figure 8.2) are similarly employed by Priest and Gass. They view litigation as a key consideration for outdoor education providers, in which liability is defined as "the degree of legal responsibility or obligation that people or programmes have for repairing (often by paying money) for injuries to participants"(Priest and Gass,1997:124). In the context of mountain adventure tourism,the tort of negligence is the most applicable - i.e. unintentional breach of legal duty causing damage reasonably foreseeable which breach the damage would not have occurred (Ven der Smissen ,1990:quoted in Priest and Gass,1997). However,providers can avoid lawsuits through adopting various measures. One measure is to aim to prevent the accident in the first place by having proper safety procedures. This would act as a good defence should a case arise, illustrating to courts that the operation was conducted professionally. Another defence is to imform clients fully of the potential risks and likelihood of accidents in the adventure activity. Priest and Gass conclude that a post accident strategy is paramount to effective risk management. This shouid include such measures as first aid,evacuation procedures and keeping accurate records of incidents