How Interpals works in my case? I am here for more than half of year and my English has been improved very much. I will never count time, which I spent here as wasted - yet, so many times people disappointed me, with lack of abilities to use their brains. You see - it's so amazing, when you come across someone's profile. You read the words which he or she put about themselves, you go through all of it, thinking, that it's your soul mate for sure! You understand what is between the lines, you get the meaning and then you type a opening message, pouring a bit of your soul inside of it. Trying to encourage someone to answer. From here we have few ways. This person may be really on the same wavelength and he or she will answer, you will create some special virtual relation, full of understanding and meaning. This person can read it and answer - completely disappointing you and showing, that his or her profile shows completely different person.
In the end there is he worst option. That person will never answer your message. He or she, maybe will read it, but there will be no feedback. No answer. Not even a single word. I deeply believe it's the worst option. I came across few profiles here, who moved me really deeply and until today, I sometimes regret that not a single line of conversation appeared. boys and girls be sure that if you will put a bit of yourself into messages which you send to me, I won't ignore you. That's a promise.