In most mechanical shake-down devices heretofore employed to dislodge dust from the filter media, such as filter bags or filter tubes, the devices have been cycled to clean the filter media, usually only when the collector has been stopped from operating. The cleaning mechanism usually only operates at programmed shutdowns, or at the end of the day. This causes a higher dust loading on the filter bags or filter tubes because of the long periods of operation without a purge action interceding in the dust build-up. In turn, a mechanical collector of this type has to be designed with greater cloth areas for given applications, as compensation for the high dust loading of the media. Also, this type of collector has a tendency to be more costly because of its size requirements, The types of shaking mechanisms for such mechanical shake-down devices vary, but to the best of applicant’s knowledge, the present devices do so with definite maintenance requirements that are much in excess of competitive devices such as the pulse jet and reverse jet types of dust dislodging systems.
In pulse jet collectors, high pressure air is utilized to produce high pressure air pulses in a backwash action through a venture nozzle to inflate r row of filter bags, with in turn knocks off excess dust layers. Such systems require a high power consumption and thus increased operating costs. The pulse jet mechanism is usually controlled with electro-pneumatic components and an electrical sequential timer. The purge cycle is continuous for a given row of bags, and this is reflected in lower dust loadings of the filter media, a smaller housing, and less cost for procurement. However, there is the operating cost disadvantage as well as the maintenance cost for replacement of failed components to be dealt with.
In most mechanical shake-down devices heretofore employed to dislodge dust from the filter media, such as filter bags or filter tubes, the devices have been cycled to clean the filter media, usually only when the collector has been stopped from operating. The cleaning mechanism usually only operates at programmed shutdowns, or at the end of the day. This causes a higher dust loading on the filter bags or filter tubes because of the long periods of operation without a purge action interceding in the dust build-up. In turn, a mechanical collector of this type has to be designed with greater cloth areas for given applications, as compensation for the high dust loading of the media. Also, this type of collector has a tendency to be more costly because of its size requirements, The types of shaking mechanisms for such mechanical shake-down devices vary, but to the best of applicant’s knowledge, the present devices do so with definite maintenance requirements that are much in excess of competitive devices such as the pulse jet and reverse jet types of dust dislodging systems. In pulse jet collectors, high pressure air is utilized to produce high pressure air pulses in a backwash action through a venture nozzle to inflate r row of filter bags, with in turn knocks off excess dust layers. Such systems require a high power consumption and thus increased operating costs. The pulse jet mechanism is usually controlled with electro-pneumatic components and an electrical sequential timer. The purge cycle is continuous for a given row of bags, and this is reflected in lower dust loadings of the filter media, a smaller housing, and less cost for procurement. However, there is the operating cost disadvantage as well as the maintenance cost for replacement of failed components to be dealt with.
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