> Water Activity
Water activity probably is the most important single factor for shelf-stability(as indicated by microbial stability) in dried meats, Water activity, expressed as the vapor pressure of the product divided by the vapor pressure of pure water, humidity measurement is expressed as aw x 100%.
Water activity values in foods vary: fresh meats, fruits and vegetables, greater than 0.98; dried sausages and condensed milk, 0.85-0.9; honey and chocolate, less than 0.60. For dried meats, semi-dry sausages exhibit aw values from 0.95-0.97 while dry sausages generally show values of 0.85-0.93. Dried hams, coppa and beef jerky generally have aw values less than 0.88. Pork rinds have aw values less than 0.30.
FSRE Shelf-Stable