Now a days importance of rangeland improvement and development is obviously more that past because
of effect of climatic change and human factor on degradation of ranges in Iran .So methods of seeding are
very important. every year do time and cost in country for seeding in rangeland but because of some reason
such as soil erosion, not suitable depth of soil climate change drought wet stress and increase of mean
temperature of niches caused that in some project of seeding even native seed plants of rangeland after
germination can not establish or can not easily establish. For this reason reseeding method in rangeland, for
delete or decrease of environmental stresses effects and increase speed and vigor important by using methods
of seed vigorous.
One of the methods of seed vigorous is seed coating aim of this method is different such as increase
amount of regeneration and speed, avoid of degradation by disease and pest, easy doing seedling process,
seed homogenous distribution
(Especially by air seeding) humidity conservation around of seed increase of productivity, doing in
regeneration avoids eating seed by animal and increase of speed and ability in plant establishment.
In 1984, researchers of seed technology in beat seed improvement and production research institute
destroyed and improved star ship and additional piece of beet by seed coating. Majority of researches about
seed coating are related to cultivate and there is little research for rangeland plant seed coating especially
effect of covering matter for establishment of rangeland plant. Johansson et al. (2004) showed that the most
density, establishment and production of canola is related to controller treatment in grass habitat when they
investigated on effects of seed coating by a kind of polymer and dare of cultivation of Canola on
establishment and production of this species. Sommer and Larik (2002) tested effect of see covering matter