the FTIR spectra of raw CNTs, modified CNTs, oPD, oT and PoPD-coT/MCNTs coating produced are shown in fig.4 . it is seen that modification introduces various functional groups on the surface of raw CNTs . the bands at 1700 cm and 1403 cm in modified CNTs spectrum can be assigned to c=o stretch and O-H bend, respectively. the FTIR spectrum for o-phenylenediamine shows a typical profile with two bands at 3373 cm and 3362 cm which are due to asymmetrical and symmetrical N-H stretching vibrations. the two peaks at 1459 cm and 1495 cm are the characteristic bands of the C=C stretching vibrations for benzenoid rings, while the peaks at 1055 cm, 1151 cm and 1272 cm are due to C-N stretching vibrations. in the oT SPECTRUM,THE BANDS AT 3374 CM AND 3453 CM COrrespond to the asymmetrical and symmetrical N-H stretch.