Methods: This study used an electronic survey to examine IUC care practices for CAUTI prevention in
3 areasd(1) equipment and alternatives and insertion and maintenance techniques; (2) personnel,
policies, training, and education; and (3) documentation, surveillance, and removal remindersdat 75
acute care hospitals in the Nurses Improving the Care of Healthsystem Elders (NICHE) system.
Results: CAUTI prevention practices commonly followed included wearing gloves (97%), handwashing
(89%), maintaining a sterile barrier (81%), and using a no-touch insertion technique (73%). Silver-coated
catheters were used to varying degrees in 59% of the hospitals; 4% reported never using a cathetersecuring
device. Urethral meatal care was provided daily by 43% of hospitals and more frequently that
that by 41% of hospitals. Nurses were the most frequently reported IUC inserters. Training in aseptic
technique and CAUTI prevention at the time of initial nursing hire was provided by 64% of hospitals;
however, only 47% annually validated competency in IUC insertion. Systems for IUC removal were implemented
in 56% of hospitals. IUC documentation and routine CAUTI surveillance practices varied widely.
Conclusions: Although many CAUTI prevention practices at NICHE hospitals are in alignment with
evidence-based guidelines, there is room for improvement. Further research is needed to identify the effect
of enhanced compliance with CAUTI prevention practices on the prevalence of CAUTI in NICHE hospitals.
Methods: This study used an electronic survey to examine IUC care practices for CAUTI prevention in
3 areasd(1) equipment and alternatives and insertion and maintenance techniques; (2) personnel,
policies, training, and education; and (3) documentation, surveillance, and removal remindersdat 75
acute care hospitals in the Nurses Improving the Care of Healthsystem Elders (NICHE) system.
Results: CAUTI prevention practices commonly followed included wearing gloves (97%), handwashing
(89%), maintaining a sterile barrier (81%), and using a no-touch insertion technique (73%). Silver-coated
catheters were used to varying degrees in 59% of the hospitals; 4% reported never using a cathetersecuring
device. Urethral meatal care was provided daily by 43% of hospitals and more frequently that
that by 41% of hospitals. Nurses were the most frequently reported IUC inserters. Training in aseptic
technique and CAUTI prevention at the time of initial nursing hire was provided by 64% of hospitals;
however, only 47% annually validated competency in IUC insertion. Systems for IUC removal were implemented
in 56% of hospitals. IUC documentation and routine CAUTI surveillance practices varied widely.
Conclusions: Although many CAUTI prevention practices at NICHE hospitals are in alignment with
evidence-based guidelines, there is room for improvement. Further research is needed to identify the effect
of enhanced compliance with CAUTI prevention practices on the prevalence of CAUTI in NICHE hospitals.
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