Comparison of microalgal biomass profiles as novel functional
ingredient for food products
Microalgae are one of the most promising sources for new food and functional food products, and can be
used to enhance the nutritional value of foods, due to their well-balanced chemical composition. Knowing
their physicochemical characteristics is fundamental for the selection of the most suitable microalgae to
specific food technology applications and consequently successful novel foods development.
The aim of this study is to screen the chemical composition (e.g., proteins, pigments, fatty acids) and
thermogravimetry properties of five microalgae species with potential application in the food industry:
Chlorella vulgaris (green and carotenogenic), Haematococcus pluvialis (carotenogenic), Spirulina maxima,
Diacronema vlkianum and Isochrysis galbana. C. green and S. maxima presented high protein (38% and 44%, respectively),
low fat content (5% and 4%, respectively). The carotenogenic C. vulgaris and H. pluvialis showed a
higher carotenoid content, higher fat, low protein and better resistance to thermal treatment. D. vlkianum and
I. galbana presented high protein (38–40%) and fat (18–24%) contents with PUFA's ω3, mainly EPA and DHA.
Finally, the results from microalgae chemical and thermal analysis were grouped and correlated through
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) in order to determine which variables better define and differentiate