The scope of social work practice is remarkably wide. Social workers practice not only
in the traditional social service agency, but also in elementary schools; in the military; in
business, factories, and offices, in federal, state, and local government agencies and
legislative bodies; in private practice as individual, family, and marriage therapists; in
hospitals and in mental health facilities; in courts and correctional settings; in home
health care; and in services to the elderly. In fact social workers can be found anywhere
and everywhere there are people who need the help of a professional to alleviate
personal or social problems. (Senator Daniel Inouye, D-HI, April 1986)
Now that you are in the School of Social Work, you are probably wondering which area
of social work practice to choose. These words of Senator Daniel Inouye still ring true.
Almost twenty years later, the scope of social work is vast and affects the lives of
thousands of individuals daily. In order to assist you in choosing what area of social
work to explore as a field placement, we have identified several social work fields of
practice and some of the responsibilities and duties needed to work in each. First you
will learn that there are common skills and responsibilities that all social workers have
that enable us to work with all populations.